All posts by jhudson

Printable Music for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Sept. 19

We are making the music selections available in advance of the Weekend Liturgies. This will continue as we discern how music can best help our worship as a community. Feel free to print a copy of the lyrics for your personal use and bring it to Mass with you.
Click here for printable music for the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

This year, during Ordinary Time we will sing the Mass parts from the Mass of the Resurrection, as we have sung in the past.  If you would like a copy to re-familiarize yourself with the melody, click on the link below to view or print the document. A few copies will be available as you enter church, near the worship aids.

Click here to print or view a copy of the Mass Parts.

Liturgical Minister Training for Current & New Ministers Coming in September

Mark your Calendars!!!

Liturgical Ministry Training for Current and New Ministers 

St. Charles, Saturday, September 11 from 1:30 to 3:30

St. Joseph, Saturday, September 18 from 1:30 to 3:30

As restrictions have lifted and we return to our normal practices, we invite all new and current Liturgical Ministers to take part in this training.  At each training date, concurrent sessions will be offered for Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Ministers of Hospitality at St. Charles or Ushers at St. Joseph-St. Mary.

Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion can attend either training date.

St. Charles Ministers of Hospitality are asked to attend the September 11 training at St. Charles.

Ushers for St. Joseph-St Mary are asked to attend the September 18 training at St. Joseph.

Click this link to sign up for the training session for your ministry or the ministry you are interested in.