What does my CSA contribution support?
Your contribution to the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA), whether in the form of a one-time gift or a pledge fulfilled over the coming year, supports of the following programs and ministries so that we may continue the teaching, healing ministry of Jesus:
- Communication – Education, evangelization and information for the Catholic community of our diocese through television, radio, video, print and digital materials and digital media such as websites and social media.
- Catholic Education – The office of Catholic schools establishes the standards, training and curriculum necessary to provide a strong foundation in faith, academics and service for our students.
- Catholic Charities West Michigan (CCWM) – CCWM endeavors to provide help and create hope for the most vulnerable of our communities.
- Priestly Vocations – The office of priestly vocations is at the forefront of the vital effort to attract, guide and support men as they consider a call to serve the Lord as priests.
- Catechesis – Religious education and formation provided to children, youth, young adults and adults through our parishes.
- Cultural Ministries – Helping meet the spiritual and material needs of permanent and migrant communities in our 11-county diocese.
To see make your pledge online click here to be directed to the Diocese of Grand Rapids website.
Online Giving